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February 27, 2002
Canadian Holy Ground... Yes, it
Canadian Holy Ground...
Yes, it is in fact, the Official Hockey Hall of Fame. And, as a matter
of fact, I was there. I have photos. It was closed. Still, the fact
remains... I laid eyes on official HHOF merchandise (poorly lit through
glass windows) and external signage. Josh and Stacey will have to grant
me just a teense more respect I think... maybe.
Here is a virtual 3d Stanley Cup.
Seems some Canadians like this "Tim Horton's"
place... sort of a Canadian "Starbucks" I suppose... It was pretty
good, but I guess I'm not really a coffee or donut expert so... can't
really gush about it. Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow...
Don't take this the wrong way, but ladies out here are big. Or bigger.
Okay, taller. Is that better? Seriously... I'm like five nine, five ten
in shoes maybe, but most women I've met or seen around here are at
least my height. Just a weird observation.
Went to the BCE Centre which is where the HHOF is... ate at a
restaurant called Marchante that is pretty cool concept... it's like a
Marketplace... after you gain admittance, you are issued a ticket that
you carry around to different stations where different foods are being
prepared. There a sushi station expertly preparing sushi... antipasti
with fresh made pasta, made right on the spot! Steaks, roasted
chickens, quail, etc... plenty of seafood, breads, and deserts (oh, and
in the Canadian tradition, many beers at the popular beer station). You
simply get whatever you want at the various stations and they stamp
your ticket relative to what you received.
Unfortunately at the end the stamps are added up and you pay for it
all, but it was very very good. Good job Canada!
That's it for now... -- Tom
Posted by gcrgcr at February 27, 2002 7:06 PM
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